the POWER co

the POWER co

The POWER company, virtual strength club is a membership based fitness program designed to give you the tools, accountability & support you need as you embark on your fitness journey. The workouts are designed to enhance & compliment, not takeover your life. They can be completed at home or the gym. Wherever you want to workout, this program can go right along with you!

Throughout the program, you'll have access to me as your trainer plus a community of other women working alongside you. I'll help you find JOY in fitness, making it a consistent & sustainable part of your life. You will work hard. But you will also have fun!

Wondering if you’re a good fit for the program?

Whether you are getting started with strength training, want ready-to-go workouts, are looking for a fitness community & everything in between, the POWER company is your program. I’ll take the guesswork out of your strength workouts by providing you exactly what to do. No more time wasted wondering what to do, I’ve got that part covered. If you miss having a fitness community, you’ll fit right in. We might be working out individually but as a part of this program you get a built in support system that will help encourage and hold you accountable.


how much does it cost?

+ membership is $39/month with a three month minimum commitment

+ option for recurring payment

+ option to cancel one week prior to next month's program release after the initial three months

what equipment is needed?

access to dumbbells is encouraged but not required. bands, household objects or bodyweight can also be used successfully with this program.

what you won’t get with the POWER company:

+ this is not a weight loss program. any weight loss is a byproduct of the hard work you put in but not the primary goal of the program.

+ nutrition advice. I do not provide any nutrition recommendations in the program. we will exchange recipes in our accountability group & i’ll encourage healthy behaviors (example: getting adequate water intake) but there is no formal meal planning or nutrition advice.

+ shame for missing or not completing the workout as written. you have to make this program work for you. if you can’t do all reps or rounds in a workout, give yourself grace. it’s okay. we all have unique schedules & goals & have to adapt accordingly.

+ before & after photos. I do not ask for nor require these. if you’d like to take them, you may do so but you are not required to send them to me.

what the community is saying